FIFA Club World Cup 2023™

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Wednesday 15 September 2021, 17:00

Fatma Samoura lauds storytelling to inspire football’s future in Africa

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  • Delegates from FIFA Regional Development Offices in Africa attended workshop

  • Fatma Samoura: “We will work hand in hand to expand the positive reach of the game”

  • Technical consultants and media liaison officers discussed future collaboration

FIFA has welcomed delegates from its four Regional Development Offices in Africa, to the Home of Football in Zurich, Switzerland, to exchange opinions and ideas on how to optimise communications opportunities on the African continent.

At a workshop focusing on communications and the need to align news from Africa with new technologies, given the passion for football among the continent’s youth.

FIFA Secretary General Fatma Samoura said: ”I’m delighted to welcome you to the Home of Football as members of FIFA’s big family. You, the staff of the FIFA Regional Development Offices embody the President’s Vision for a better-governed, more modern, diverse and accountable organization, capable of telling the world about African football’s many good stories. Together, through each of your Regional Offices, we will work hand in hand to expand the positive reach of the world’s most beloved game and to live football in a modern way to reach young people throughout our continent.”

FIFA’s Regional Development Offices have been operational around the world since 2017, in order to assist and serve member associations, with offices in Dakar (Senegal), Johannesburg (South Africa), Brazzaville (Congo DR) and Kigali (Rwanda) supporting projects across the continent. The FIFA teams working from these offices are ideally placed to see first-hand positive case studies and success stories of football projects and initiatives supported by FIFA. FIFA’s Chief of Member Associations Kenny Jean-Marie was in attendance, along with delegates from all four Regional Development Offices and a group of technical consultants and media liaison officers.

FIFA’s Chief of Member Associations Kenny Jean-Marie was in attendance, along with delegates from all four Regional Development Offices and a group of technical consultants and media liaison officers.

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2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™
